Cephalectomy - Upon Winged Elemental Crests - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
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- The Endings of Chaos - 0:00
- Тени неба - 3:87
From the Darkened Waters...
Мардук почувствовал присутствие
Marduk shall rise from winged elemental crests to the darkened earth as ancient rule
Как и древние действительно
has reveled for centuries of chaos where in the race of men has cried fourth from
И все стало бледным от страха
infernal evanesence... Rise upon us lord of all from your sleep to slay the earth
Из -за страха появится зверь
from ancient rule who slayed your son.. Ereshkigal befall this plain...
Духи блазенового неба, помните тебя, кого убили, умерли
Духи о порубленном небе слышит тебя крик Господа Ктулху
A blaze in the sky the leigon to fly upon broken night the kingdom takes flight..
Когда Гейтс широко летел, вышел зверь
Hearing the cry these winged do fly who shall it be? Hearken!...
Бледно от страха были теми, кто слышал
Lords of eternal time! Hear my cries! King of all magick Marduk we beckon
Духи темного неба Хикен, когда летят крылатые судьбы
you fourth from your infernal eternal slumber! Conjuration! Rise!
Тени потемнели землю и небо
Dark Waters have risen...
Барра Ксул!
Marduk has journeyed from winged elemental crests to our darkened earth,
Темные воды поднялись ...
where ancient rule has reveled for centuries of chaos, where as our race of
Мардук отправился от крылатых элементарных гребней в нашу затемненную землю,
men has cried fourth from infernal evanesence...
где древнее правило на протяжении веков хаоса, где как наша раса
Rise upon us lord of all from your sleep to claim our earth from ancient rule who
люди закричали четвертое от адского укуса ... поднялись на нас, Господь всех
slayed your son ereshkigal befall this plain... A blaze in the sky the leigon to
от вашего сна, чтобы претендовать на нашу землю от древнего правления, который убил вашего сына
fly upon broken night the kingdom takes flight.. Hearing the cry these winged do fly..
Эрешкигал будет на этом простом ...
Who shall it be? Hearken!...
Пламя в небе Лейгон, чтобы летать в разбитую ночь, королевство летит.
Storm of wind bring the earth to war...
Услышав крик этих крылатых лету ... кто это будет? Cthulhu! ...
- Upon the Vortex of Cthulhu
- Новой главы - 1:11
The lord of wind howls upon the throne of Uggae...
Имена смерти были призваны к ним всем!
Binding of the Elder gods to reclaim this earthen plain...
Absu упал, когда ее жизненная жидкость пролилась на землю. Судьбы действительно опирались на
Yet leap through the vortex does Absu rise combined also with forces of Tiamat
Пески времени! Мардук закричал свою просьбу быть услышанным им .. Сердитесь как
gained knowledge of the conjuration of Marduk..
Судьбы действительно опирались на песок! Темные воды текут красным с жидкой древнего
Hold fast the ancient ones grasp upon our land not to allow the binding of the
и Поскольку старшие отключились с земли, претендующей на Cthulhu
elder ones to reclaim the throne of Kia... Let thee be told!
Раса мужчин будет падать
Many a leige pass upon the vortex as monsters brought fourth by the call of the
Cthulhu претендовал на это сферу
ancient ones as so by a name a shape and number...
Мардук погиб с ними, на крылатых элементарных гребнях ...
Absu cries of war to all whom would raise their swords upon the name of ancient
power to rule this plain once more.. Let thee be warned...
- The Shroud of Uggae - 1:02
Destiny unknowned to thee Elder kings.
Hear your name from the call of Absu.
Through the land Uggae leaps abound.
To call names of war through chaos...
Marduk rises forth upon land to hearken fourth the winged fates... A call from the
end of time to open wide the eternal gates...
Absu hearken lest ye fall to ancient heart shall Marduk call...
The sky to blaze of hazen night to summon forth the elder rite...
Lest maelstrom take its hold on all and realm of Kia shall befall...
Elders rise to take their stand as Ancients claim this realm of man...
Upon the sky winged fates howl of war to lands wherein no time does exist to
realms void of light. Kia Alal Kanpa! Destroyer of earth remember!
Yet pass the gates of Uggae do they fly...
- Leigons of the Graves - 0:54
Cries of war... does Marduk howl... as the Elders... raise upon the Ancient...
ones to reseize the realm of Kia in names unformed of shape, number, or form...
Cry of war as winged fates fly...
Beyond realms of time yet through the vortex...
Sword of might...struck upon fate...
As the beast did... fall upon those dark waters!
To silence all cries of the winged...
The insumountable creature from its grave!
Does it ponder the howl of fates...
Amidst cries of war the beast does rise...
Of fire! Marduk struck fourth a fiery disk! Lashing upon the life of Absu to
render the beast silent. Rays of death! Dead but dreaming life...
Past the oceans to summon fourth the Elder liege!
Hear me! Liege of chaos...
Come forth and render the Ancient fires as coal yet iced winds blowing!
Struck upon the Ancient ones As Nergal did fall as first slain..
Names of death of war! A blaze!
As rage did fill the eyes of Tiamat who struck forth with winds of winters bane!
As risen from its watery grave the beast does pass upon the vortex
Elder gods did turn pale with fear as the beast did draw ever near
Zi Kia Kanpa Kutulu Barra!
Dark waters did recede and the beast now howls of war to the fates
- Shadows of the Sky - 3:87
Marduk did sense a presence
As did the Ancient ones truely
And all turned pale with fear
For fear the beast would appear
Spirits of the blazen sky remember thee whom slain did die
Spirits of the deadened sky hear thee lord Cthulhu's cry
As gates flew wide the beast came forth
Pale with fear were those whom did hear
Spirits of the darkened sky heaken as the winged fates fly
Shadows darkened the land and sky
Barra Xul!
Dark Waters have risen...
Marduk has journeyed from winged elemental crests to our darkened earth,
where ancient rule has reveled for centuries of chaos, where as our race of
men has cried fourth from infernal evanesence...Risen upon us lord of all
from your sleep to claim our earth from ancient rule who slayed your son
ereshkigal befall this plain...
A blaze in the sky the leigon to fly upon broken night the kingdom takes flight..
Hearing the cry these winged do fly.. Who shall it be? CTHULHU!...
- Of a new Chapter - 1:11
Names of death were called to them all!
Absu fell as its life fluid did spill upon the land.. The fates did draw upon the
sands of time! Marduk cried forth his plea to be heard by him.. Hearken as the
fates did draw upon the sand! The dark waters did flow red with the fluid of Ancient
ones. As the Elder ones did recede from the land claimed of Cthulhu
Race of men would befall
Cthulhu has claimed this realm
Did Marduk perish with those, Upon winged elemental crests...
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