claves angelicae - 14 - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни claves angelicae - 14
14. Noroni bajihie pasahasa Oiada! das tarinuta mireca OL tahila dodasa tolahame caosago homina: das berinu orocahe QUARE: Micama! Bial! Oiad; aisaro toxa das i- vame aai Balatima. Zodacare od Zodameranu! Odo cicale Qaa! Zodoreje, lape zodiredo Noco Mada, hoathahe I A I D A.
14. Noroni Bajihie Pasahasa Oiada! Das Tarinuta Mireca Ol Tahila Dodasa Tolahame Caosago Homina: Das Berinu Orocahe Quare: Micama! Bial! OIAD; Aisaro TOXA DAS I- VAME AAI Balatima. Zodacare Od Zodamranu! ODO Cicale QAA! Zodoreje, Lape Zodireedo No Mada, Hoathahe I A I D A.
14. O you sonns of fury, the dowghters of the lust, which sit vppon 24 seats, vexing all creatures of the earth with age, which haue vnder you 1636: behold the Voyce of God, the promys of him which is called amongst you Furye or Extreme Iustice. Moue and shew yor selues: open the Mysteries of yor Creation: be frendely vnto me: for I am the servant of the same your God, the true wurshipper of the Highest.
14. O You Sonns of Fury, The Downhters of the Lust, Which Sit VPPON 24 Seats, Vexing All Creatures of the Earth with Age, Which Haue Vnder You 1636: Behold the Voyce of God, Th E Promys of Him Which Is Called Amongst You Furye or Extreme iustice. Moue and Shew Yor Selues: Open the Mysteries of Yor Creation: Be Frendly Vnto ME: for I am the SERVANT OF THE SAME You GOD, The True Wurshipper of the Highest.
14. О вы, Сыны Ярости, Дочери Справедливого! вы восседаете на 24 престолах, и
14. Oh you, the sons of rage, the daughter of a fair! You are sitting on 24 thrones, and
томите всех тварей земных от века; под вашим началом — 1636 [слуг]. Узрите! голос
languish all the creatures of earthly from the century; Under your beginning - 1636 [servants]. See you! voice
Божий: завет Того, кто зовется средь вас Яростью или Последним Судом. Выйдите и
God: the covenant of the one who is called in the middle of you fury or the last court. Come out and
покажитесь! Откройте тайны сотворения вашего! Будьте друзьями мне, ибо я —
Show yourself! Open the secrets of your creation! Be friends to me, for I -
Служитель вашего Бога, истинно верный Всевышнему.
The minister of your God, truly faithful to the Almighty.
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