Diary of Dreams - Die My Phobia - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео

Исполнитель: Diary of Dreams

Название песни: Die My Phobia

Дата добавления: 06.06.2024 | 22:50:07

Просмотров: 1

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Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Diary of Dreams - Die My Phobia

Never come back to me
Never come back to me
I’d never come back to you
I'd never come back to you

I counted day by day
I counted day by day
Pathetic not to see
Pathetic not to see
You win and lose the same
You win and lose the same
When on your feet again
When on your feet again

Not me. We could never accept you
Not me. We could never accept you
Not you. We could never regret you
Not you. We could never regret you
Not us. We could never avoid you
Not us. We could never avoid you
Undo. We could never exploit you
Undo. We could never exploit you

My vision of the past
My vision of the past
A picture of your face
A picture of your face
My template of this game
My template of this game
The same idea again
The same idea again

Life will come undone
Life will come soon
To be reborn for good
To be reborn for good

A concept so insane
A concept so insane
We lost the chance to lose
We lost the chance to lose
You would not understand
You wouldn't understand
The nature of this game
The nature of this game

Умри, моя фобия
Die my phobia

Не возвращайся ко мне
Don't come back to me
Я бы никогда не вернулся к тебе
I would never go back to you

Я считал день за днем
I counted day by day
Плачевно не заметить
It's unfortunate not to notice
Ты выигрываешь и проигрываешь одновременно
You win and lose at the same time
Когда снова на ногах
When you're back on your feet

Не я. Мы никогда не могли принять тебя
Not me. We could never accept you
Не ты. Мы никогда не могли жалеть тебя
Not you. We could never feel sorry for you
Не мы. Мы никогда не могли избегать тебя
Not we. We could never avoid you
Отмени. Мы никогда не могли использовать тебя
Cancel. We could never use you

Мое видение прошлого
My vision of the past
Изображение твоего лица
Picture of your face
Мой шаблон этой игры
My template for this game
Опять та же идея
Same idea again

Жизнь будет уничтожена
Life will be destroyed
Чтобы возродиться к лучшему
To be reborn for the better

Идея так безумна
The idea is so crazy
Мы лишились шанса проиграть
We lost our chance to lose
Ты бы не понял
You wouldn't understand
Природы этой игры
The nature of this game
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