Don't hug me I'm scared - 3 part - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео

Исполнитель: Don't hug me I'm scared

Название песни: 3 part

Дата добавления: 07.09.2024 | 02:02:19

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Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Don't hug me I'm scared - 3 part

[Red Guy]
Isn't it nice to finally be outside on such a beautiful day?
Так всегда было!

Yes! And I've packed us a delicious chicken picnic!
И это идеально!

[Yellow Guy]
[Фиолетовый парень]
И это чисто!

[a butterfly flies by Yellow Guy, and he laughs, full of joy at the sight]

И это защищено кольцом!

*swats the butterfly, killing it* Pesky bee!

Так идет вся любовь
[A traumatized Yellow Guy runs away.]

[Red Guy]
Как цветок, он растет и растет!
Hmmmm, he seems upset about something. I wonder what will happen?

[Фиолетовый парень]
[Yellow Guy sits in the tree crying until he notices the butterfly above him]
И это навсегда

It makes you sad, doesn't it?
И навсегда
That there's so much hatred in the world

I hope you don't mind if I ask you a question

И теперь мы все поклоняемся нашим царям
[Yellow Guy]

A little baby pigeon

Наш король!
[Verse 1: Shrignold]

Have you ever wondered why we're here?
[Желтый парень]
What's it all about? You've no idea
And everywhere you look, all you see is hatred

And darkness, death and fear
But you know it doesn't have to be
Наш король!
That I hate you, and you hate me

Cause even though we're different, it doesn't make a difference
And we can live in harmony!
Его зовут Малкольм
No, you don't know who I am

But maybe I could hold your hand
And together we can understand about love!
Наш король!

[Yellow Guy]
Huh, I feel tingly!
Он король любви

Yes, that's love, my friend, and it's time for you to learn all about it! *giggles*
Наш король!

[Background singers]
Love is a place, love is a thing
Мы должны накормить его
Love is a place, love is a thing

Love is a place, love is a thing
Love is a place, love is a thing
Наш король!

[Verse 2: Shrignold]
And do you ever feel like life's unfair
Мы должны кормить его гравием
Cause everybody hates you, and no one cares!

But if you follow me
Maybe you'll see
Наш король!
That love is everywhere!

[Yellow Guy]
Или он злится
What is love, is it in the sky?

Наш король!
No, it's a feeling, deep inside

[Yellow Guy]
Ммм, гравий!
Because I'm hungry

Наш король!
No, you're lonely!

I can see it in your eyes
[Стих 6]

(Любовь-культура продолжает петь «Наш король!» На заднем плане)
[Yellow Guy]

I don't understand

И это ваш шанс начать заново!
И все, что мы просим вас сделать
Don't worry! You will soon

Come and meet some of my friends; they know all about love
Come on, just over the rainbow!
Измените ваше имя

Oh look, there he goes, flying through the sky
И очистить свой мозг

[Red Guy]
Maybe, we should follow him, or we'll get left behind
И забудьте о том, что вы когда -нибудь знали!

Yes, but there's lots of chicken left
И ваше сердце найдет его дом
And I'd like to eat the chicken!

[Особенный желтый парень]
[Red Guy]
И наша любовь никогда не уйдет!
I'd also like to eat the chicken; let's do that instead

[Verse 3: Shrignold]
Теперь носите это кольцо
So here we are with all my friends

And they love you, all of them!

И присоединяйтесь к королю!

Yes we do!

И ты никогда не будешь один

It is true!
[Желтый парень просыпается от этого кошмара, травмированного и глядя на красного парня и утки.]

[Purple Guy]
[Красный парень]
We love you!
О, вот ты

Мы искали тебя весь день

And you love us too!

Мы жаль, что мы расстроили тебя
[Yellow Guy]
Но смотри
*laughs* I love you too, furry boy
Мы купили вам последнее вкрашенное яйцо

Чтобы подбодрить вас!

*laughs* Harder!
[Красный парень]

Я думаю, это должно быть потому, что мы любим тебя
[Red Guy]

Now we've eaten the chicken, I don't know what to do
[Желтый парень]

Для меня?

Maybe we should look for our friend
[Вареные яичные люки, чтобы показать гусеницу, которая выглядит жутко похожим на Shrignold]
Isn't that what friends do?

And we have finished the chicken picnic

[long pause]

[Verse 4: Shrignold]
* Тяжел гусеницу, убивая ее* Песную пчелу!
To love each other is to care
To be kind!

And to share!

I love my friend so I give him a hug!

[Purple Guy]
I made this for you, cause I love you so much!

I love my pet, cause he's a crab!

[Yellow Guy]
I love this tree and I love this stick and I love this mole

No no no, that's not how it's done
You must save your love for your special one

[Yellow Guy]
My special one?

Everyone has a special one!

[Yellow Guy]
Even me?
But I am lonely

Yes, it's true!
But do not worry
You're confused, but that's okay!
Let me put it another way

This is the story of Michael
The loneliest boy in town
*sings* This is the story of Michael
The ugliest boy in town
Ugly and weak
They called him a freak!

So he lived on his own, underground
He lived on his own, underground
He lived on his own, underground

You see, everyone has a special one

Even Michael!

[Verse 5: Shrignold]
Your heart beats hard like a big love drum
Calling for your special one

So be patient! Cause just maybe

Your special one will come

He's made for her!

And she's made for him!

That's the way its always been!

And it's perfect!

[Purple Guy]
And it's pure!

And it's protected with a ring!

That's the way that all love goes

Like a flower it grows and grows!

[Purple Guy]
And it's forever

And forever

And now we all worship our king

Our king!

[Yellow Guy]

Our king!

His name is Malcolm

Our king!

He is the king of love

Our king!

We must feed him

Our king!

We must feed him gravel

Our king!

Or he becomes angry

Our king!

Mmm, gravel!

Our king!

[Verse 6]
(Love-Cult continues singing "Our king!" in the background)

And this is your chance to start anew!
And all we're asking you to do

Is change your name

And clean your brain

And forget anything about you ever knew!

And your heart will find its home

[Yellow Guy's Special One]
And our love will never go!

Now wear this ring

And join the king!

And you will never be alone

[Yellow Guy wakes up from that nightmare, traumatized and looking down at Red Guy and Duck.]

[Red Guy]
Oh, there you are
We've been looking for you all afternoon

We're sorry we upset you
But look
We've bought you the last boiled egg
To cheer you up!

[Red Guy]
I guess it must be because we LOVE you

[Yellow Guy]
For me?

[The boiled egg hatches to reveal a caterpillar that looks eerily similar to Shrignold]


*swats the caterpillar, killing it* Pesky bee!
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