Kato Tokiko - Toki Niwa Mikashi No Hanasi Wo - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Kato Tokiko - Toki Niwa Mikashi No Hanasi Wo
Песня в заключительных титрах: Потолкуем о былых деньках
Song in the final credits: let's talk about past days
Перевод на русский Алексей Дубинский©2000
Translation to Russian Alexey Dubinsky © 2000
Автор и исполнитель Като Токико, аранжировка Сугано Юко,
Author and performer Kato Tokiko, arrangement of Sugano Yuko,
аранжировка фортепьяно Оогути Дзунитиру
arrangement of piano oghuti dzunitir
Вспомним-ка былые деньки
Recall the old days
Знакомый магазинчик, куда мы так часто заглядывали.
A familiar shop where we looked so often.
Каштановая аллея за окном, одна чашечка кофе
Brown alley outside the window, one cup of coffee
за целый день. Дерзкие мечты о неизвестном будущем...
For the whole day. Daring dreams of an unknown future ...
Каждый надеялся на что-то.
Everyone hoped for something.
Обдуваемые жарким ветром той бурной эпохи,
Blown by the hot wind of that stormy era,
Мы чувствовали жизнь всем своим существом. Так оно и было.
We felt the life of our whole being. So it was.
Порой нам приходилось спать на обочине
Sometimes we had to sleep on the sidelines
Нам было некуда идти
We had nowhere to go
У нас не было денег, но все-равно мы как-то жили
We did not have money, but still we somehow lived
У бедности было будущее.
Poverty had a future.
Мы ввалились в маленький деревянный домик
We burst into a small wooden house
Куролесили до утра, потом заснули.
They smoked until the morning, then fell asleep.
Как буря, каждый день сверкал
Like a storm, sparkling every day
Мы бежали, пока не выбились из сил. Так оно и было.
We fled until we were exhausted. So it was.
Глядя на единственную уцелевшую фотографию
Looking at the only surviving photo
Вон тот бородач - это ты
That bearded man - it's you
Нынче осталось нас мало.
Today we have little left.
И все-же те деньки
And all the same days
Не прошли напрасно.
We did not go in vain.
И сейчас, как и тогда, ты все стремишься
And now, as then, you are all striving
к своей мечте... Где-то..
To your dream ... somewhere ..
Toki Ni Wa Mukashi No Hanashi O
toki ni wa mukashi no hanashi o shiyou ka
Toki ni wa mukashi no hanashi o shiyou ka
kayoi nareta najimi no ano mise
kayoi nareta najimi no ano mise
MARONIE no namiki ga madobe ni mieteta
Maronie No Namiki Ga Madobe Ni Mieteta
KOOHII o ippai de ichinichi
Koohii o ippai de ichinichi
mienai ashita o muyami ni sagashite
Mienai Ashita o muyami ni sagashite
dare mo ga kibou o taku shita
Dare Mo Ga Kibou o Taku Shita
yurete ita jidai no atsui kaze ni fukarete
YURETE Ita Jidai No Atsui Kaze Ni Fukarete
karadachuu de toki [kanji: shunkan] o kanjita sou da ne
karadachu de toki [kanji: shunkan] o kanjita sou da ne
michibata de nemutta koto mo atta ne
Michibata de Nemutta Koto Mo atta Ne
doko ni mo ikenai minna de
Doko ni mo ikenai minna de
okane wa nakute mo nan to ka ikiteta
Okane wa nakute mo nan to ka ikiteta
mazushisa ga ashita o hakonda
Mazushisa Ga Ashita o Hakonda
chiisa na geshukuya ni iku nin mo oshikake
Chiisa Na Geshukuya Ni Iku Nin Mo Oshikake
asa made sawaide nemutta
Asa Made Sawaide Nemutta
arashi no you ni mainichi ga moete ita
arashi no you ni mainichi ga moete ita
iki ga kireru made hashitta sou da ne
Iki Ga Kireru Made Hashitta Sou Da Ne
ichimai nokotta shashin o goran yo
ichimai nokotta shahin o guran yo
higedura no otoko wa kimi da ne
higedura no otoko wa kimi da ne
doko ni iru no ka ima de wa wakaranai
Doko Ni Iru No Ka Ima de Wa Wakaranai
tomodachi mo iku nin ka iru kedo
Tomodachi Mo Iku Nin Ka Iru Kedo
ano hi no subete ga munashii mono da to
Ano Hi No Subete Ga Munashii Mono da to
sore wa dare ni mo ienai
Sore Wa Dare Ni Mo Ienai
ima demo onaji you ni mihatenu yume o egaite
IMA Demo onaji you ni mihatenu yum o egaite
hashiri tsudukete iru yo ne doko ka de
hashiri tsudukete iru ne doo ka de
Once in A While, Talk of the Old Days
Translated by David Goldsmith and Lee Collins, July 27, 1993
Transladed by David Goldsmith and Lee Collins, July 27, 1993
Composed and sung by Katou Tokiko / Arrangement by Sugano (???Sugeno)
Composed and Sung by Katou Tokiko / Arrangement by Sugano (??? Sugeno)
Youko / Piano Arrangement by Ooguchi Junichirou
Youko / Piano Arrangement by Ooguchi Junichiro
Once in a while, shall we talk about the old days?
Once in A While, Shall We Talk ABOUT THE OLD Days?
That familiar shop we used to visit so often
That Familiar Shop We Ussed To Visit So Offten
Along the road, rows of chestnut trees could be seen from the window
Along The Road, Roings of Chestnut Trees Cold Be Seen From The Window
One cup of coffee through a whole day
One Cup of Coffee Through a whole day
Recklessly seeking an unseen tomorrow,
Recklessly Seeking An Unseen Tomorrow,
Everybody had hopes
Blown by the hot wind of that unsettled era,
Blown by The Hot Wind of that Unsettled Era,
we felt the moment with all our being. That's how it was.
We Felt the Moment with All Oour Being. That's How It Was.
Sometimes we all slept by the side of the road
Sometimes we all Slept by the Side of the Road
None of us had anywhere to go
None of USA ANYWHERE to Go
We had no money, yet somehow we lived
We Had No Money, Yet Somelay We Live
Poverty brought tommorrow
Poverty Brous Tommorrow
In a small boarding house, we barged in,
In a Small Boarding House, We Barged in,
were rowdy till morning, then slept
Were Rowdy Till Morning, then Slept
Like a tempest, every day was aflame
We ran till we were out of breath. That's how it was.
We Ran Till We Were Out of Breath. That's How It Was.
Look at the one remaining photograph
Look at the One Remaining Photograph
The bearded fellow is you
The Bearded Fellow Is You
Nowadays, there are many
Nowadays, There Are Many
friends I've lost track of
Friends i've Lost Track of
Yet I can't say that those days
Yet I canm that those days
were completely in vain
Were comletly in vain
Even now, as then, tracing an unfinished dream
Even Now, as then, Tracing An Unfinished Dream
you're still running. Somewhere...
You're Still Running. Somewher ...
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Kato Tokiko - Toki Ni Wa Mukashi No Hanashi