Nephew - Police Bells And Church Sirens - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Nephew - Police Bells And Church Sirens
Well I’m a fan of days in bars and nights in school
Well I’m a fan of days in bars and nights in School
[Что ж, я - поклонник дней в барах и ночей в школе,]
[Well, I am a fan of days in bars and nights at school,]
And of geniuses in jail and Nobel fools
And of Geniuses in Jail and Nobel Fools
[Гениев в тюрьме и Нобелевских дураков]
[Geniev in prison and Nobel fools]
And I’m a fan of yellow noise and silent shouts
And I’m a fan of Yellow Noise and Silent Shows
[И я - поклонник белого шума и молчаливого крика,]
[And I am a fan of white noise and a silent scream,]
And of nurses that are boys and women scouts
And of nurses that are boys and women scouts
[Медсестёр-парней и женщин-бойскаутов]
[Nurses-punish and female beads]
Why don’t they make it police bells and church sirens?
Who Donolt the Make It Police Bells and Church Sirens?
[Почему они не сделают полицейскими - колокола и церковными сирены?]
[Why will they not make police - bells and church sirens?]
Police ding dong, church wee ooh
Police Ding Dong, Church Wee Ooh
[Полицейскими динг донг, церковными вии-ууу]
[Police Ding Dong, Church Vii-Uuu]
Talking ’bout police bells and church sirens
Talking ’Bout Police Bells and Church Sirens
[Говорят о полицейских колоколах и церковных сиренах,]
[Talk about police bells and church sirens,]
Police ding dong, church wee ooh
Police Ding Dong, Church Wee Ooh
[Полицейские динг донг, церковные вии-ууу]
[Police Ding Dong, Church Vii-Uuu]
Well I’m a fan of bands on ground and dirt on stage
Well I’m a fan of bands on Ground and Dirt on Stage
[Что ж, я - поклонник групп на земле и дерьма на сцене,]
[Well, I am a fan of groups on earth and shit on stage,]
And of tigers on a leash and dogs in a cage
And of Tigers on a Leash and Dogs in a Cage
[Тигров на привязи и собак в клетке]
[Tigers on a leash and dogs in a cage]
And I’m a fan of holding hands and letting go
And I’m a fan of Holding Hands and Letting GO
[И я - поклонник протягивать руки и отпускать,]
[And I am a fan with his hands and let go,]
And of being so in love but not letting it show
And of Being So in Love But Letting it Show
[Любить так сильно, но не показывать этого]
[Love so much, but not show it]
Why don’t they make it police bells and church sirens?
Who Donolt the Make It Police Bells and Church Sirens?
[Почему они не сделают полицейскими - колокола и церковными сирены?]
[Why will they not make police - bells and church sirens?]
Police ding dong, church wee ooh
Police Ding Dong, Church Wee Ooh
[Полицейскими динг донг, церковными вии-ууу]
[Police Ding Dong, Church Vii-Uuu]
Talking ’bout police bells and church sirens
Talking ’Bout Police Bells and Church Sirens
[Говорят о полицейских колоколах и церковных сиренах,]
[Talk about police bells and church sirens,]
Police ding dong, church wee ooh
Police Ding Dong, Church Wee Ooh
[Полицейские динг донг, церковные вии-ууу]
[Police Ding Dong, Church Vii-Uuu]
Kirkesirener hyl mig ud af min blanke dør – hvor jeg bor
Kirkesirener Hyl Mig Ud Af Min Blanke DØr - Hvor Jeg Bor
[Сирены церкви воют на меня из-за блестящей двери - где я живу]
[Sirens of the Church howl on me from behind a brilliant door - where I live]
Kirketårn kom og brug dit horn, hyl mig ud af min blanke dør – før jeg dør
Kirketórn Kom Og Brug Dit Horn, Hyl Mig Ud Af Min Blanke Dèr - Fux Jeg DØ
[Церковная башня приходит, трубя в рог на меня из-за блестящей двери - прежде чем я умру]
[The church tower comes, a trumpet into a horn to me because of a brilliant door - before I die]
Politiklokker kom og ring for mine ører – mine døve ører
Politiklokker Kom Og Ring for Mine Ører - Mine Dève Ører
[Полиция приходит звоном в мои уши ушах - но мои уши глухи]
[The police come with a ringing of my ears - but my ears are deaf]
Politiklokker kom og ring for mine døve ører – før jeg dør
Politiklokker Kom Og Ring for Mine Dève Ørr - Fux Jeg DØ
[Полиция приходит звоном в мои уши - пока я не умру]
[The police come with a ringing in my ears - until I die]
Why don’t they make it police bells and church sirens?
Who Donolt the Make It Police Bells and Church Sirens?
[Почему они не сделают полицейскими - колокола и церковными сирены?]
[Why will they not make police - bells and church sirens?]
Police ding dong, church wee ooh
Police Ding Dong, Church Wee Ooh
[Полицейскими динг донг, церковными вии-ууу]
[Police Ding Dong, Church Vii-Uuu]
Talking ’bout police bells and church sirens
Talking ’Bout Police Bells and Church Sirens
[Говорят о полицейских колоколах и церковных сиренах,]
[Talk about police bells and church sirens,]
Police ding dong, church wee ooh
Police Ding Dong, Church Wee Ooh
[Полицейские динг донг, церковные вии-ууу]
[Police Ding Dong, Church Vii-Uuu]
Why don’t they make it police bells and church sirens?!
Who Donolt the Make It Police Bells and Church Sirens?!
[Почему они не сделают полицейскими - колокола и церковными сирены?!]
[Why will they not make police - bells and church sirens?!]
Police ding dong, church wee ooh!
Police Ding Dong, Church Wee Ooh!
[Полицейскими динг донг, церковными вии-ууу!]
[Police Ding Dong, Church Vii-Wuu!]
Talking ’bout police bells and church sirens!
Talking ’Bout Police Bells and Church Sirens!
[Говорят о полицейских колоколах и церковных сиренах!]
[They talk about police bells and church sirens!]
Police ding dong, church wee ooh!
Police Ding Dong, Church Wee Ooh!
[Полицейские динг донг, церковные вии-ууу!]
[Police Ding Dong, Church Vii-Uuu!]
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