Sonne Hagal - Three ravens - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Sonne Hagal - Three ravens
Три ворона сели на ветку сосны,
Three crows sat on the pine branch,
Пей, пей, подливай, всё до дна выпивай,
Drink, drink, add, drink everything to the bottom,
Три ворона сели на ветку сосны,
Three crows sat on the pine branch,
Не зевай.
Do not snooze.
Три ворона сели на ветку сосны,
Three crows sat on the pine branch,
И были они, как сажа, черны,
And they were like soot, black
Не зевай, запевай, пой, пой, пей, пей, подливай.
Do not yawn, sing, sing, sing, drink, drink, add.
И каркнул ворон: «Летим куда?
And the raven croaked: “Where are we flying?
Нужна на завтрак нам еда!
We need food for breakfast!
– Вон там, на зелёном поле лежит
- Over there, on the green field lies
Убитый витязь, щитом накрыт.
The killed knight is covered with a shield.
У ног его верные псы лежат,
At his feet, faithful dogs lie,
Его, как живого, они сторожат.
They, like living, are watching.
И соколы реют вокруг него,
And the falcons are cut around him,
К нему не подпустят они никого».
They will not let anyone in. ”
Тут юная дева к нему подошла,
Then the young virgin approached him,
Она его милой подругой была.
She was his sweet girlfriend.
Кровавые раны целует она,
She kisses bloody wounds
Но не прервать ей вечного сна.
But do not interrupt her eternal sleep.
Его на спину себе кладёт
He puts him on his back
На берег морской его несёт.
It carries it to the shore of the sea.
Хоронит, пока не настала тьма;
Burnts until darkness has come;
И умирает под вечер сама.
And he dies in the evening herself.
Пошли вам Бог таких соколов,
God went to you such falcons,
Такую жёну, таких верных псов!
Such a wife, such faithful dogs!
* Припев повторяется в каждой строфе
* The chorus is repeated in each stanza
The three Rauens
The Three Rauens
There were three rauens sat on a tree,
There were three rauens Sat on a tree,
Downe a downe, hay downe, hay downe,
Download a download, Hay Downe, Hay Downe,
There were three rauens sat on a tree,
There were three rauens Sat on a tree,
With a downe.
With a download.
There were three rauens sat on a tree,
There were three rauens Sat on a tree,
They were as blacke as they might be,
They Were as Blacke as the Might Be,
With a downe derrie, derrie, derrie, downe, downe.
With a download derrie, derrie, derrie, Downe, Downe.
The one of them said to his mate,
The One of them Said to His Mate,
"Where shall we our breakefast take?"
"Were Shall We Oour Breakefast Take?"
"Downe on yonder greene field,
"Downe on Yonder Greene Field,
There lies a knight slain under his shield.
There Lies a Knight Slain Under His Shield.
"His hounds they lie downe at his feete,
So well they can their master keepe.
So Well their Master Keepe.
"His haukes they flie so eagerly,
"HIS Haukes They Flie So Eagerly,
There’s no fowle dare him come nie
There’S No Fowle Dare Him Come Nie
Downe there comes a fallow doe,
Download the Comes a Fallow Doe,
As great with young as she might goe.
As Great with Young as She Might Goe.
She lift up his bloudy hed,
She Lift Up His Bloudy Hed,
And kist his wounds that were so red.
And Kist His Wounds that Were So Red.
She got him up to upon her backe,
She get home up to upon her backke
And carried him to earthen lake.
And Carrried Him to Earthen Lake.
She buried him before the prime;
She Buried Him Before the Prime;
She was dead herself ere euen-song time.
She Was Dead Herself Euen-Song Time.
God send every gentleman
Such haukes, such hounds, and such a leman.
Such Haukes, Such Hounds, and Such a Leman.
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