Я не брошу тебя. Никогда.
I will not leave you. Never.
I see the real you
I See the Real You
Я знаю, какая ты на самом деле.
I know what you really are.
Even if you don't
Пусть даже ты этого не замечаешь,
Even if you don't notice it,
I do
I do
Я вижу,
I see,
I do
I do
Я вижу.
I see.
I will never give up on you
I Will Never Give Up on You
Я не брошу тебя. Никогда.
I will not leave you. Never.
I see the real you
I See the Real You
Я знаю, какая ты на самом деле.
I know what you really are.
Even if you don't
Пусть даже ты этого не замечаешь,
Even if you don't notice it,
I do
I do
Я вижу,
I see,
I do
I do
Я вижу.
I see.
And I'll show you the road to follow
And i'll show you the room to follow
Я укажу на дорогу, по которой необходимо следовать.
I will point to the road on which you need to follow.
I'll keep you safe 'till tomorrow
I'll Keep You Safe 'Till Tomorrow
До завтра ты в безопасности.
Until tomorrow you're safe.
I'll pull you away from sorrow
I'll Pull You Away from Sorrow
Я отгоню от тебя все печали.
I will drive you away from you all sorrows.
I see the real you
I See the Real You
Я знаю, какая ты на самом деле.
I know what you really are.
Even if you don't,
Even If You Don'T,
Пусть даже ты этого не замечаешь,
Even if you don't notice it,
I do
I do
Я вижу.
I see.
If you're the one to run
IF You're the One to Run
Если тебе потребуется бежать,
If you need to run
To run
To ru
I'll be the one
I'll be the One
Я стану тем,
I will become
The one you run to
The One You Run To
К кому ты побежишь.
Who will you run to.
If you're the one to run
IF You're the One to Run
Если тебе потребуется бежать,
If you need to run
To run
To ru
I'll be the one
I'll be the One
Я стану тем,
I will become
The one you run to
The One You Run To
К кому ты побежишь.
Who will you run to.
I will never give up on you
I Will Never Give Up on You
Я не брошу тебя. Никогда.
I will not leave you. Never.
I see the real you
I See the Real You
Я знаю, какая ты на самом деле.
I know what you really are.
Even if you don't
Пусть даже ты этого не замечаешь,
Even if you don't notice it,
I do
I do
Я вижу,
I see,
I do
I do
Я вижу.
I see.
I will never give up on you
I Will Never Give Up on You
Я не брошу тебя. Никогда.
I will not leave you. Never.
I see the real you
I See the Real You
Я знаю, какая ты на самом деле.
I know what you really are.
Even if you don't
Пусть даже ты этого не замечаешь,
Even if you don't notice it,
I do
I do
Я вижу,
I see,
I do
I do
Я вижу.
I see.
And it seems like I've known you forever
And it Seems Like i've Known You Forever
Кажется, я знал тебя всегда.
It seems I always knew you.
I'll keep you sane for one more night
I'll Keep You Sane for One More Night
Ты будешь в безопасности еще одну ночь.
You will be safe another night.
Need you to know that it's alright
Need You to Know that it's alright
Необходимо, чтобы ты знала: все в порядке.
It is necessary that you know: everything is in order.
I see the real you
I See the Real You
Я знаю, какая ты на самом деле.
I know what you really are.
Even if you don't, I do
Even If You Donmet, I do
Пусть даже ты этого не замечаешь, я вижу.
Even if you don’t notice this, I see.
If you're the one to run
IF You're the One to Run
Если тебе потребуется бежать,
If you need to run
To run
To ru
I'll be the one
I'll be the One
Я стану тем,
I will become
The one you run to
The One You Run To
К кому ты побежишь.
Who will you run to.
You're not the only lonely one
You're not the only lonely one
Ведь ты не единственный одинокий человек.
After all, you are not the only lonely person.
I see the real you
I See the Real You
Я знаю, какая ты на самом деле.
I know what you really are.
Even if you don't, I do
Even If You Donmet, I do
Пусть ты этого не замечаешь - я вижу.
Let you not notice this - I see.
Three Days Grace - Animal i have become
Three Days Grace - Time of Dying
Three Days Grace - I hate everything about you..Why do I love you..You hate everything about me..Why do you love me...
Three Days Grace - Hey Man Nice Shot
Three Days Grace - Gone forever на русском
Все тексты Three Days Grace >>>