Uma Mohan - Namaste Astu Bhagavan - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Uma Mohan - Namaste Astu Bhagavan
Ом. Намасте Асту Бхагаван Вишвешварая Махадевая Трьямбакая Трипурантакая Трикагникалая Калагни-Рудрая Нилакантхая Мритьюнджаяя Сарвешварая Садашивая Шриман-Махадевая Намаха.
Ohm. Namasta Asta Bhagavan Visveshvara Mahadevaya Tryambaki Triprantai Trikagnika Kalanagni-Rudra Nilakanthai Miliunjaya Sarveshwara Sadashivaya Sriman-Mahadevay.
Поклонение Господу, Владыке Вселенной, Великому Богу, Трехокому, Уничтожителю трех демонических городов (трех видов зла: гнева, вожделения и зависти), Олицетворению трех священных огней, Огню Вечности и Разрушения, Синешеему, Великому Победителю смерти, Всевладыке, Вечноблагому! Святому Великому Богу - поклонение!
The worship of the Lord, the Lord of the Universe, the Great God, the Trekhokom, the destroyer of the three demonic cities (three types of evil: anger, lust and envy), the personification of three sacred lights, the fire of eternity and destruction, the great winner of death, the omnipotenta, the evergreen, the eternal blizzard! The Holy Great God is worship!
Namaste astu Bhagavan
Namaste Astu Bhagavan
Vishveshvaraya Mahadevaya
VishVeshvaraya Mahadevaya
Trayambakaya Tripurantakaya
Trayambakaya Tripurantakay
Trikagni - Kalaya
Trikagni - Kalaya
Kalagni - Rudraya Nilakantaya Mrityunjayaya
Kalagni - Rudraya nilakantay mrytyunjayaya
Sarvesvaraya Sadhashivaya
SarVesvaraya Sadhashivaya
Sriman Mahadevaya Namah.
Sriman Mahadevaya Nama.
OM Shanti Shanti Shantihi .
Om Shanti Shanti Shantihi.
Meaning : Om. I bow down to Lord Shiva, who is the creator and protector of the universe, who is the greatest among gods, who has three eyes, who is the annihilator of all the three worlds, one whose throat is blue, who is the conqueror of death, who is the Lord of all, who is propitious who is possessed of all marks of greatness and who is the greatest among Gods. To him my prostrations.
Meaning: OM. I Bow Down To Lord Shiva, Who is the Creator and Protector of the Universe, Who IS The Greatest Among Gods, Whas Three Eyes, Who is the Annihilator of All the Hose Throat Is Blue, Who is the Conqueror of Death, who is the Lord of all, Who is propitious who is Possessed of all marks of Greatness and who is the Greatest Among Gods. To HIM My Prostrations.
Explanation : The mantra is a prayer to Lord Shiva who is addressed as Sankara and Trayambaka.
Explanation: The Mantra is a Prayer To Lord Shiva Who is Addressed as Sankara and Trayambaka.
Sankara is sana (blessings) and Kara (the Giver).
Sankara is Sana (Blessings) and Kara (The Giver).
Trayambaka is the three eyed one (where the third eye signifies the giver of knowledge, which destroys ignorance and releases us from the cycle of death and rebirth).
Trajambaka is the Three Eyed One (Where the Third Eye Signifies The Giver of Knowledge, Which Destroys Ignorans and Releases US From the
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