100 Уроков Английского - Урок 82 - Беспокойство об отце. - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни 100 Уроков Английского - Урок 82 - Беспокойство об отце.
Kim: Привет Питер, можно поговорить с тобой немного. Я слышала, что кондитерская фабрика в центре города прекратила свою деятельность.
KIM: Hello Peter, you can talk a little with you. I heard that the confectionery factory in the city center has ceased its activities.
Hi Peter, can I talk to you for a moment. I just heard the cookie factory downtown is going out of business.
Hi Peter, Can I Talk to You For a Moment. I Just Heard The Cookie Factory Downtown Is Going Out of Business.
Peter: Откуда ты это услышала?
Peter: How did you hear it?
Where did you hear that?
Were DID you hear that?
Kim: Сара сказала мне.
KIM: Sarah told me.
Sara told me.
Sara Told Me.
Peter: Я не уверен, что это правда. Я ничего об этом не слышал.
Peter: I'm not sure it's true. I have not heard anything about it.
I'm not sure that's true. I haven't heard anything about it.
I'M not Sure That's True. I haveen't heard ABOUTH ABOUT IT.
Kim: Она сказала, что они уже начали увольнять людей.
KIM: She said that they had already begun to fire people.
She said that they have already started to lay people off.
She Said That They Havy Alread Started to Lay Pekle Off.
Peter: Разве твой отец там не работает?
Peter: Does your father work there?
Doesn't your father work there?
Kim: Да, я очень переживаю, что его могут уволить, он только начал там работать около трех месяцев назад. Что ты считаешь, я должна сделать?
KIM: Yes, I am very worried that they can be fired, he just started working there about three months ago. What do you think I have to do?
Yes, I'm really worried he might get laid off, he just started to work there about three months ago. What do you think I should do?
YES, I'M REALLY Worried He Might Get Laid Off, He Just Started to Work the ABOUT Thout Three Months Ago. What Do You Think I Shoup Do?
Peter: Я бы поговорил с твоим отцом.
Peter: I would talk to your father.
I'd talk to your father.
I'd Talk to your Father.
Kim: Да, но если там что-то не так, я не думаю, что он мне скажет. Он не любит расстраивать меня, но я очень хочу знать, что происходит.
KIM: Yes, but if something is wrong there, I don’t think he will tell me. He does not like to upset me, but I really want to know what is happening.
Yeah, but if there was something wrong I don't think he'd tell me. He doesn't like to upset me, but I really would like to know what's going on.
Yeah, But if the WAS SOMETHING WRONG I DONIT Think He'd Tell Me. He soresn 'to upset me, but I Really Would Like to Know What's Going on.
Peter: Что ты собираешься делать?
Peter: What are you going to do?
So what are you gonna do?
So What Are You Gonna Do?
Kim: Разве ты не хороший друг президента той компании?
KIM: Are you not a good friend of the president of that company?
Aren't you good friends with the president of that company?
Aren`t You Good Friends with the President of that Company?
Peter: Да, мы работали вместе в другой компании около пяти лет назад.
Peter: Yes, we worked together in another company about five years ago.
Yes, we use to work together at a different company about five years ago.
Yes, We Use to work toGether at a different company ABOUT FIVE YEARS AGO.
Kim: Может ты мог бы позвонить ему и узнать, что происходит.
KIM: Maybe you could call him and find out what is happening.
Maybe you could call him and see what's going on.
Maybe You Cold Call Him and See What's Going on.
Peter: Ну, я не знаю. Думаю, я мог бы. Сейчас довольно поздно, но я позвоню ему утром.
Peter: Well, I don't know. I think I could. Now it’s too late, but I will call him in the morning.
Well, I don't know. I guess I could. It's pretty late now, but I'll call him in the morning.
Well, I Don't Know. I Guess I COULD. It's Pretty Late Now, But i'll Call Him in the Morning.
Kim: Хорошо, спасибо большое.
KIM: Good, thank you very much.
OK, thanks so much.
Ok, thanks so much.
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