злобная музыка пони - Радужный фактор - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни злобная музыка пони - Радужный фактор
Now a rainbow’s tale isn’t quite as nice
Now a rainbow's tale isn’t quite as nice
As the story we knew of sugar and spice
As the story we knew of sugar and spice
But a rainbow’s easy once you get to know it
But a rainbow's easy once you get to know it
With the help of the magic of a pegasus device
With the help of the magic of a pegasus device
Let’s delve deeper into rainbow philosophy
Let’s delve deeper into rainbow philosophy
Far beyond that of Cloudsdale’s mythology
Far beyond that of Cloudsdale's mythology
It’s easy to misjudge that floating city
It's easy to misjudge that floating city
With it’s alluring decor and social psychology
With it's alluring decor and social psychology
But with all great things comes a great responsibility
But with all great things comes a great responsibility
That of Cloudsdale’s being weather stability
That of Cloudsdale's being weather stability
How, you ask, are they up to the task
How, you ask, are they up to the task
To which the answer is in a simple facility
To which the answer is in a simple facility
У преданья радуги иной окрас,
The legend of the rainbow has a different color,
Чем у сказок из пряных и сладостных фраз,
Than fairy tales of spicy and sweet phrases,
Но при помощи магии машин пегасов
But with the help of the magic of the Pegasus machines
Осознание радуги откроется за раз
Awareness of the rainbow will open at a time
Нырнём поглубже в философию радуги,
Let's dive deeper into the philosophy of the rainbow
Дальше за долину облаков мифологии,
Further beyond the valley of the clouds of mythology,
Ошибочен взгляд на парящий город
The view of the floating city is wrong
Как оплот красоты в социальной утопии
As a mainstay of beauty in a social utopia
За великим делом велика его ответственность,
For a great deed, his responsibility is great,
Клаудс-дейл смог воцарить размеренность,
Clouds Dale was able to reign supreme
Спросишь как им задача пустяк?
You ask how they are a trifle task?
Там ответ, где упрощается дейтельность
There is an answer where action is simplified
В производстве радуги воплощаются ужас и страх
Horror and fear are embodied in the production of the rainbow
В производстве радуги одинокие души в печах
In rainbow production, lonely souls in furnaces
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Любовь Успенская - Городской Шалман