Конец Лета - Сювеярви - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Конец Лета - Сювеярви
Когда я устану от дней суеты,
When I get tired of the days of fuss,
Здесь, у воды, найду я покой.
Here, by the water, I will find peace.
Зимой или летом, грустен иль счастлив,
In winter or summer, sad Il is happy,
Приду я сюда, потолкую с тобой.
I will come here, I will celebrate with you.
А помнишь ли ты, вон на том берегу
Do you remember, over there
Я в первый раз в жизни узнал про любовь?..
I learned about love for the first time in my life? ..
А как собрались компанией шумной:
And how were they gathered by the company noisy:
Костер, и хмель, и табак вновь и вновь.
A fire, and hops, and tobacco again and again.
Как живется тебе, Сювеярви?
How does you live, Xuveyarvi?
Не слишком ли воду мутят рыбаки?
Are fishermen get too much water?
Расскажи, как с дерев опадает листва,
Tell me how the foliage falls from the tree,
И о чем поет ветер, гонитель волны!
And what the wind sings about, the drum of the wave!
Я окунусь головой непокрытой
I will plunge my head uncovered
В холодные воды, в объятья твои;
In cold waters, in your arms;
Дум вереницу рассудишь ты споро,
Thus a string of string, you are a spore,
И мудрость веков я смогу обрести!
And I can find the wisdom of centuries!
Ты видело войны, празднества, ссоры,
You saw wars, festivities, quarrels,
О, кладезь эха слов крикунов!
Oh, the storehouse of the echo of the words of the cricues!
Безмолвно внимало приказам и плачу,
Silently listened to orders and cry,
Не деля наше племя на своих и врагов.
Without dividing our tribe into our own and enemies.
Я знаю, еще тысячу раз придет лето,
I know that summer will come a thousand times,
Утихнет сама собой суета.
The vanity will subside.
Вино, пепел, кровь растворятся в тебе,
Wine, ashes, blood will dissolve in you,
И все так же будет катиться волна.
And the wave will still roll.
Я вдохну свежий ветер до дрожи в груди,
I will inhale the fresh wind to trembling in my chest,
И буду часами стоять на песке.
And I will stand on the sand for hours.
Когда же вода и небо сольются,
When the water and the sky merge,
По лунной дорожке пойду я к мечте.
I will go to a dream along the lunar path.
When I’m tired of daily vanity
When I’m Tird of Daily Vanity
Here, on your shores, I shall surely be calm.
Here, On Your Shores, I Shall Surely Be Calm.
Either it rains or it snows, either I’m happy or sad,
Either it rans or it snows, Either I’m happy or SAD,
To have a nice talk to you I shall come.
To have a nice talk to you i shall come.
Do you remember? Among the trees, over there
Do you Remember? Among the Trees, Over There
I have kissed my girl for the first time.
I have Kissed My Girl for the First Time.
How jovial were we, me and my friends:
How Jovial Were We, Me and My Friends:
Fire at night, tobacco and wine...
Fire at Night, Tobacco and Wine ...
How are you doing, my friend, Suvejarvi?
How Are You Doing, My Friend, Suvejarvi?
Isn’t there too much trouble from fishermen’s boats?
ISn’s too Much Troble from Fishermen’s Boats?
Please tell me how leaves find their rest every fall
Please Tell Me How Leaves Find Their Rest EVERY FALL
And what does the wind sing to the wave as it goes!
And What sides the Wind Sing to the Wave as it Goes!
I’d put my head into water uncovered
I’d Put My Head Inter Uncovered
And your chill hands would gently hug me.
And your Chill Hands Wuld Gently Hug Me.
The puzzle of my thoughts would swiftly be solved
The Puzzle of My Thunghts Would Swiftly Be Solved
And centuries’ wisdom would advice how to be.
And centuries ’wisdom woold advice How to be.
You have witnessed wars, celebrations and treachery,
You have Witnessed Wars, Celebrations and Treachery,
Prayer, rejoicing and moaning you heard,
Prayer, Rejoicing and Moaning You Heard,
You possess the echo of gunshots and bells tolling,
You Possess the Echo of Gunshots and Bells Tolling,
“A friend” and “a foe” mean to you just words.
“A friend” and “A foe” mean to you joust Words.
I know that summer is thousand times more to come,
I Know That Summer is Thusand Times More to Come,
A vanity surely by itself will cease...
A Vanity Surely by Itself Will Cease ...
Wine, ashes, blood will be washed by water
Wine, ASHES, Blood Will Be Washed by Water
But the wave will still run drived by the breeze.
But The Wave Will Still Run Drive by The Breeze.
I’ll breathe your fresh air until trembling in my chest,
I’ll Breathe Your Fresh Air Until Trembling in My Chest,
I will stand on the sand until day becomes dim.
I Will Stand on the Sand Until Day Becomes Dim.
And when the sky and water merge,
And when the Sky and Water Merge,
The moonway will lead me straight to my dream!
The Moonway Will Lead Me Straight to My Dream!
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