Псалтирь - Кафисма 3 - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Псалтирь - Кафисма 3
1В конец, отроку Господню Давиду, яже глагола Господеви словеса песни сея, в день, воньже избави его Господь от руки всех враг его, и из руки Саули, и рече: 17.
1 Finally, unto the Lord's servant David, even after the word of the Lord, the words of this song, in the day that the Lord delivered him from the hand of all his enemies, and from the hand of Saul, and said: 17.
2Возлюблю Тя, Господи, крепосте моя. 3Господь утверждение мое, и прибежище мое, и Избавитель Moй, Бог мой, Помощник мой, и уповаю на Него, Защититель мой, и рог спасения моего, и Заступник мой. 4Хваля призову Господа и от враг моих спасуся. 5Одержаша мя болезни смертныя, и потоцы беззакония смятоша мя, 6болезни адовы обыдоша мя, предвариша мя сети смертныя. 7И внегда скорбети ми, призвах Господа, и к Богу моему воззвах, услыша от храма святаго Своего глас мой, и вопль мой пред Ним внидет во уши Его. 8И подвижеся, и трепетна бысть земля, и основания гор смятошася и подвигошася, яко прогневася на ня Бог. 9Взыде дым гневом Его, и огнь от лица Его воспламенится, углие возгореся от Него. 10И приклони небеса, и сниде, и мрак под ногама Его. 11И взыде на Херувимы, и лете, лете на крилу ветреню. 12И положи тму закров Свой, окрест Его селение Его, темна вода во облацех воздушных. 13От облистания пред Ним облацы проидоша, град и углие огненное. 14И возгреме с небесе Господь и Вышний даде глас Свой. 15Низпосла стрелы и разгна я, и молнии умножи, и смяте я. 16И явишася источницы воднии, и открышася основания вселенныя, от запрещения Твоего, Господи, от дохновения духа гнева Твоего. 17Низпосла с высоты, и прият мя, восприят мя от вод многих. 18Избавит мя от врагов моих сильных и от ненавидящих мя, яко утвердишася паче мене. 19Предвариша мя в день озлобления моего, и бысть Господь утверждение мое. 20И изведе мя на широту, избавит мя, яко восхоте мя. 21И воздаст ми Господь по правде моей и по чистоте руку моею воздаст ми. 22Яко сохраних пути Господни и не нечествовах от Бога моего. 23Яко вся судьбы Его предо мною и оправдания Его не отступиша от мене. 24И буду непорочен с Ним, и сохранюся от беззакония моего. 25И воздаст ми Господь по правде моей и по чистоте руку моею пред очима Его. 26С преподобным преподобен будеши, и с мужем неповинным неповинен будеши, 27и со избранным избран будеши, и со строптивым развратишися. 28Яко Ты люди смиренныя спасеши и очи гордых смириши. 29Яко Ты просветиши светильник мой, Господи, Боже мой, просветиши тму мою. 30Яко Тобою избавлюся от искушения и Богом моим прейду стену. 31Бог мой, непорочен путь Его, словеса Господня разжжена, Защититель есть всех уповающих на Него. 32Яко кто Бог, разве Господа Или кто Бог, разве Бога нашего 33Бог препоясуяй мя силою, и положи непорочен путь мой. 34Совершаяй нозе мои, яко елени, и на высоких поставляяй мя. 35Научаяй руце мои на брань, и положил еси лук медян мышца моя. 36И дал ми еси защищение спасения, и десница Твоя восприят мя, и наказание Твое исправит мя в конец, и наказание Твое то мя научит. 37Уширил еси стопы моя подо мною, и не изнемогосте плесне мои. 38Пожену враги моя, и постигну я, и не возвращуся, дондеже скончаются. 39Оскорблю их, и не возмогут стати, падут под ногама моима. 40И препоясал мя еси силою на брань, спял еси вся востающыя на мя под мя. 41И врагов моих дал ми еси хребет, и ненавидящыя мя потребил еси. 42Воззваша, и не бе спасаяй: ко Господу, и не услыша их. 43И истню я яко прах пред лицем ветра, яко брение путей поглажду я. 44Избавиши мя от пререкания людей, поставиши мя во главу языков. Людие, ихже не ведех, работаша ми. 45В слух уха послушаша мя. Сынове чуждии солгаша ми. 46Сынове чуждии обетшаша и охромоша от стезь своих. 47Жив Господь, и благословен Бог, и да вознесется Бог спасения моего. 48Бог даяй отмщение мне и покоривый люди под мя. 49Избавитель мой от враг моих гневливых, от востающих на мя вознесеши мя, от мужа неправедна избавиши мя. 50Сего ради исповемся Тебе во языцех, Господи, и имени Твоему пою: 51величаяй спасения царева, и творяй милость христу Своему Давиду, и семени eго до века.
2I will love you, O Lord, my strength. 3 The Lord is my strength, and my refuge, and my Deliverer, my God, my Helper, and I trust in Him, my Protector, and the horn of my salvation, and my Advocate. 4 I will praise the Lord and be saved from my enemies. 5 Mortal diseases have overcome me, and the floods of iniquity have crushed me, 6 the diseases of hell have overcome me, having preceded me to the snares of death. 7And when I was in sorrow, I called on the Lord, and cried out to my God, hearing my voice from His holy temple, and my cry before Him would come into His ears. 8And the earth moved and trembled, and the foundations of the mountains were shaken and shaken, as if God was angry with her. 9 The smoke of His wrath arose, and the fire from His presence was kindled, and coals kindled from Him. 10And bow down the heavens, and the darkness below, and darkness under His feet. 11And we ascended upon the Cherubim, and flew, flew on the wing of the wind. 12And put Thy dark cover, around His habitation, dark waters in the clouds of the air. 13 Because clouds, hail, and coals of fire came forth before Him, they fell. 14And the Lord, the Most High, roared from heaven and gave His voice. 15 I sent down arrows and dispersed them, and multiplied the lightnings, and I was crushed. 16And the fountain of water was revealed, and the foundation of the world was revealed, from Thy rebuke, O Lord, from the inspiration of the spirit of Thy wrath. 17 He came down from on high and received me; they took me from many waters. 18 He will deliver me from my mighty enemies and from those who hate me, for she has become stronger than me. 19 Foretold me in the day of my bitterness, and the Lord was my confirmation. 20And he will bring me out into the wide world; he will deliver me, as he willed me. 21And the Lord will reward me according to my righteousness, and according to the purity of my hand he will reward me. 22 So that I will keep the ways of the Lord and not act dishonestly from my God. 23 For all His destiny is before me and His justification does not depart from me. 24And I will be blameless with Him, and will be kept from my iniquity. 25And the Lord will reward me according to my righteousness and according to the purity of my hand before His eyes. 26 You will be reverent with the venerable, and with the innocent man you will be innocent, 27 and with the chosen you will be chosen, and with the obstinate you will be corrupt. 28For You have saved the humble people and humbled the eyes of the proud. 29 For You have enlightened my lamp, O Lord my God, You have enlightened my darkness. 30For through You I will be delivered from temptation, and through My God I will pass over the wall. 31My God, His way is blameless, the word of the Lord is kindled, He is the Protector of all those who trust in Him. 32For who is God but the Lord? Or who is God but our God? 33God gird me with strength, and make my way blameless. 34 Make my noses like trees, and set me on high. 35Teach my hands to fight, and thou hast laid the bow of the copper on my arm. 36And You have given me the protection of salvation, and Your right hand will receive me, and Your punishment will correct me in the end, and Your punishment will teach me. 37 Thou hast enlarged my feet under me, and my feet are not weary. 38 My enemies will marry, and I will suffer, and will not return until they die. 39 I will offend them, and they will not be able to stand, they will fall under my feet. 40And thou hast girded me with strength for battle; thou hast slept all that rise up against me under me. 41And you gave me a backbone to my enemies, and you consumed those who hated me. 42You cried, and did not save: to the Lord, and did not hear them. 43And I shall be as dust before the wind, as I shall smooth the clay of the paths. 44 Deliver me from the bickering of people, place me at the head of the tongues. People we don’t even know worked with. 45By the ear of the ear you listened to me. The sons of strangers have lied to us. 46 The sons of strangers have made promises and are lame from their paths. 47As the Lord lives, and blessed is God, and may the God of my salvation be exalted. 48God grant me vengeance and subdue the people under me. 49 My deliverer from my wrathful enemies, lifted me up from those who rise up against me, delivered me from the unrighteous man. 50 For this reason let us confess to You among the nations, O Lord, and sing to Your name: 51 Magnify the salvation of the king, and show mercy to Your Christ David, and to his seed forever.
1В конец, псалом Давиду, 18.
1 Finally, Psalm to David, 18.
2 Nebes will tell the glory of God, while the creation of his hand announces the firmament. On 3 days, the verb burps, and the nights of the nights announces the mind. 4, the essence of speech, below the word, they are also not heard by the provision of them. 5Vo all the Earth shift their broadcasting and at the ends of the vault
2 Nebes will tell the glory of God, while the creation of his hand announces the firmament. On 3 days, the verb burps, and the nights of the nights announces the mind. 4, the essence of speech, below the word, they are also not heard by the provision of them. 5Vo all the Earth shift their broadcasting and at the ends of the vault
2Небеса поведают славу Божию, творение же руку Его возвещает твердь. 3День дни отрыгает глагол, и нощь нощи возвещает разум. 4Не суть речи, ниже словеса, ихже не слышатся гласи их. 5Во всю землю изыде вещание их и в концы вселе
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