Sabaton - Reign Of Terror - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Sabaton - Reign Of Terror
Песня об операции «Буря в пустыне»
Song about the operation "Storm in the desert"
Reign of Terror
Reign of Terror
Царство страха
The kingdom of fear
The sky is on fire burning black gold
The Sky Is on Fire Burning Black Gold
Небеса в огне, догорает чёрное золото,
Heaven is in fire, the black gold is burning out,
Eyes of the west turn to east
Eyes of the West Turn to East
Глаза Запада смотрят на Восток,
The eyes of the West look east
Driven by greed and an urge to destroy
Driven by Greed and An Urge to Destroy
Ведомые алчностью и стремлением к разрушению,
Led by greed and the desire for destruction,
Merciless killing your own
Merciless Killing Your Own
Безжалостно губящие сами себя.
Ruthlessly destroying themselves.
Slave to the power a slave to the gold
SLAVE to the Power A Slave to the Gold
Раб власти, раб золота,
A slave of power, a slave of gold,
Ruthlessly ruling the east
Ruthlessly Ruling the East
Беспощадный правитель востока,
Merciless ruler of the East,
Your reign of terror must come to an end
Your reign of terror must come to an end
Твоё господство террора подходит к концу,
Your dominance of terror is coming to an end
Fighting your unholy war
Fighting Your Unholy War
Ведёшь эту нечестивую войну.
You are waging this wicked war.
Now you will pay we'll charge you our way
Now You will Pay We'll Charge You Way
Теперь настал час расплаты, мы сами тебя осудим,
Now the hour of reckoning has come, we will condemn you ourselves,
Sooner or later we'll get you
Sooner or Later We'll Get You
Рано или поздно мы до тебя доберёмся.
Sooner or later we will get to you.
Don't try to hide in your holes underground
Don`t Try to Hide in Your Holes Underground
Даже не пытайся спрятаться в своих подземных норах,
Don't even try to hide in your underground burrows,
Just like an insect we'll smoke you right out
Just Like an Insect We'll Smoke You Right out
Словно насекомое, мы выкурим тебя оттуда.
Like an insect, we will smoke you from there.
Night time primetime
Night Time Primetime
Ночь – праймтайм,
Night - Prime.
Ancient legacy of crime
Ancient Legacy of Crime
Древнее наследие преступления,
The ancient legacy of the crime,
One day we will make you pay for
One Day Wel Make You Pay for
Однажды мы заставим тебя заплатить за него.
Once we will force you to pay for him.
Night time primetime
Night Time Primetime
Ночь – праймтайм,
Night - Prime.
Law and order pays the fine
Law and Order Pays The Fine
Закон и порядок платят штраф
Law and order pay a fine
Genocide you cannot justify
Genocide You Cannot Justify
За геноцид, что ты устроил, которого никак не оправдать.
For the genocide that you arranged, which you can’t justify.
Chaos in east disorder in west
Chaos in East Disorder in West
Хаос на востоке, беспорядки на западе,
Chaos in the east, riots in the West,
Desert storm is a go
Desert Storm is a GO
"Буря в пустыне" 1 началась,
"Storm in the desert" 1 began,
Fighters are launched from the carriers at sea
Fighters are launched from the Carriers at Sea
Истребители уже покинули авианосцы на море,
The fighters have already left the aircraft carriers at sea,
Infantry coming your way
Infantry Coming Your Way
Пехота на пути.
Infantry on the way.
Armoured brigades engaging their lines
Armoured Brigades Engaging Their Lines
Бронетанковые бригады занимают позиции,
Armored brigades occupy positions,
Regain control of black gold
Regin Control of Black Gold
Восстанавливают контроль над чёрным золотом,
Restore control of black gold,
Your reign of terror will come to an end
Your reign of Terror Will Come to An end
Твоё господство террора подходит к концу,
Your dominance of terror is coming to an end
Мы заставим тебя потерять влияние.
We will make you lose influence.
Countdown to death we're coming for you
Countdown to Death We're Coming for You
Making our way through the desert
Отсчитывай время до смерти, мы идём за тобой,
Count the time to death, we follow you,
Soon you will pay for the pain that you caused
SOON You Pay for the Pain that You Caused
Прокладываем путь сквозь пустыню.
We lay the way through the desert.
Captured or dead you will cause no more
CaptureD or Dead You Will Couse No More
Вскоре ты расплатишься за всю ту боль, что причинил,
Soon you will pay for all the pain that you caused,
Пленённый или убитый, ты больше никогда никому не навредишь.
Captured or killed, you will never harm anyone again.
Feet after feet mile after mile
Feet after Feet Mile after Mile
Шаг за шагом, миля за милей,
Step by step, Mile for Miles,
Allies regaining control
Allies Regining Control
Союзники возвращают утраченный контроль,
Allies return lost control,
Your cities in ruins a people in need
Your CITIES in Ruins A PEOPLE in Need
Твои города в руинах, твои люди бедствуют,
Your cities in ruins, your people are in poverty,
Still you go on as before
Still you go on as before
Но ты всё равно продолжаешь гнуть свою линию.
But you still continue to bend your line.
Feet after feet mile after mile
Feet after Feet Mile after Mile
Шаг за шагом, миля за милей,
Step by step, Mile for Miles,
Allies returning the land
Allies Returning the Land
Союзники отвоёвывают земли,
Allies conquer the lands,
Hide underground as the coward you are
Hide undround as the coward you are
Прячься в подземельях, словно трус,
Hide in the dungeons, like a coward,
One day we're coming for you
One day we're coming for you
Однажды мы придём за тобой.
One day we will come for you.
Now you will pay we'll charge you our way
Now You will Pay We'll Charge You Way
Теперь настал час расплаты, мы сами тебя осудим,
Now the hour of reckoning has come, we will condemn you ourselves,
Sooner or later we'll get you
Sooner or Later We'll Get You
Рано или поздно мы до тебя доберёмся.
Sooner or later we will get to you.
Don't try to hide in your holes underground
Don`t Try to Hide in Your Holes Underground
Даже не пытайся спрятаться в своих подземных норах,
Don't even try to hide in your underground burrows,
Just like an insect we'll smoke you right out
Just Like an Insect We'll Smoke You Right out
Словно насекомое, мы выкурим тебя оттуда.
Like an insect, we will smoke you from there.
Night time primetime
Night Time Primetime
Ночь – праймтайм,
Night - Prime.
Ancient legacy of crime
Ancient Legacy of Crime
Древнее наследие преступления,
The ancient legacy of the crime,
One day we will make you pay for
One Day Wel Make You Pay for
Однажды мы заставим тебя заплатить за него.
Once we will force you to pay for him.
Night time primetime
Night Time Primetime
Ночь – праймтайм,
Night - Prime.
Law and order pays the fine
Law and Order Pays The Fine
Закон и порядок платят штраф
Law and order pay a fine
Genocide you cannot justify
Genocide You Cannot Justify
За геноцид, что ты устроил, которого никак не оправдать.
For the genocide that you arranged, which you can’t justify.
1 – военная операция США и их союзников против Ирака, оккупировавшего Кувейт в августе 1990, в времена Войны в Персидском заливе.
1 - the military operation of the United States and its allies against Iraq, who occupied Kuwait in August 1990, during the Gulf of Persian.
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