So Sweep - Город для двоих - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео

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Название песни: Город для двоих

Дата добавления: 06.08.2024 | 13:14:13

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Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни So Sweep - Город для двоих

Город для двоих
City for two

Солнце снова город будет своими лучами.
The sun again will be its rays.
Снова новые крылья за твоими плечами.
Again, new wings behind your shoulders.
След теряя ночами на встречу с рассветом.
Losing a trace at night to meet with dawn.
Мы засыпаем в сети и просыпаемся летом.
We fall asleep on the network and wake up in the summer.
Погода моду диктует фонтаны манят прохладой.
The weather dictates the fountains beckoning with coolness.
Твоя улыбка со мной, мне больше точно не надо.
Your smile is with me, I definitely don’t need it anymore.
На двоих город делим, теряя тени весной.
We divide the city for two, losing shadows in the spring.
Лишь только ты со мной лишь только я с тобой.
Only you are with me only with you.

Этот город для двоих,
This city for two
Таких родных, таких чужих.
Such relatives, such strangers.
Встречай рассвет и провожай закат,
Meet the dawn and see the sunset,
А я опять ловлю твой взгляд.
And again I catch your gaze.
Лечу к тебе в мечтах своих
I fly to you in my dreams
И город весь для нас двоих.
And the city is all for us.
Пусть годы мчат куда-то в даль,
Let the years rush somewhere to the distance,
О том что было нам почти не жаль.
About what was almost not sorry for us.

Tonight, it's gonna be alright
Tonight, it's gonna be alright
Cause i with you tonight.
CAUSE I WITH You Tonight.
No matter when at night or day,
No Matter When at Night or Day,
I'll be with you, just call my name.
I'll be with you, Just Call My Name.
Tonight, it's gonna be alright
Tonight, it's gonna be alright
Cause you with me tonight.
CAUSE You with me tonight.
No matter how, cause we ain't play.
No Matter How, Cause We Ain'T Play.
Three simple words that i can't say tonight.
Three Simple Words that I canm Say Tonight.

А солнце светит все ярче, солнце светит все выше.
And the sun shines brighter, the sun shines higher.
В его пламени ярком загораются крыши.
In his flame bright roofs light up.
Расцветают улыбки, озорные веснушки.
Smiles, mischievous freckles bloom.
Ты рада делать не так, как велели подружки.
You are glad to do the same as girlfriends ordered.
Давно позабыты все пароли и коды.
All passwords and codes have long been forgotten.
И радуют больше нас сюрпризы погоды.
And the weather surprises are more pleasing to us.
Годы мимо летят, но нам на память оставят
Years are flying by, but they will leave us as a keepsake
Эти летние дни, когда их так не хватает...
These summer days when they are so missing ...

Этот город для двоих,
This city for two
Таких родных, таких чужих.
Such relatives, such strangers.
Встречай рассвет и провожай закат,
Meet the dawn and see the sunset,
А я опять ловлю твой взгляд.
And again I catch your gaze.
Лечу к тебе в мечтах своих
I fly to you in my dreams
И город весь для нас двоих.
And the city is all for us.
Пусть годы мчат куда-то в даль,
Let the years rush somewhere to the distance,
О том что было нам почти не жаль.
About what was almost not sorry for us.

Tonight, it's gonna be alright
Tonight, it's gonna be alright
Cause i with you tonight.
CAUSE I WITH You Tonight.
No matter when at night or day,
No Matter When at Night or Day,
I'll be with you, just call my name.
I'll be with you, Just Call My Name.
Tonight, it's gonna be alright
Tonight, it's gonna be alright
Cause you with me tonight.
CAUSE You with me tonight.
No matter how, cause we ain't play.
No Matter How, Cause We Ain'T Play.
Three simple words that i can't say tonight.
Three Simple Words that I canm Say Tonight.

Tonight, it's gonna be alright
Tonight, it's gonna be alright
Cause i with you tonight.
CAUSE I WITH You Tonight.
Cause i with you tonight.
CAUSE I WITH You Tonight.
Tonight, it's gonna be alright
Tonight, it's gonna be alright
Cause you with me tonight.
CAUSE You with me tonight.
No matter how, cause we ain't play.
No Matter How, Cause We Ain'T Play.
Three simple words that i can't say...
Three Simple Words that I canm ...
Tonight, it's gonna be all right
Tonight, it's gonna be all right
Cause i with you tonight.
CAUSE I WITH You Tonight.
No matter when at night or day.
No Matter When at Night or Day.
I wanna be with you.
I wanna be with you.

(авт. Snow)
(auth. Snow)
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