Глагол в) встретиться. Номер 2. Мой брат не очень надежный. Он всегда а) оправдывается, б) придумывает оправдания или в) придумывает оправдания.
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute Vocabulary with me, Catherine…
Он всегда... б) придумывает оправдания. И номер 3. Какой многословный глагол имеет сходное значение с глаголом оставить?
And me, Rob. Hello. In this show we’re going to find out about multi-word verbs.
И ответ: сдавайтесь. Хорошо, если вы получили их прямо дома.
That’s right: we’re looking into verb phrases that are made up of more than one word. And if you’d like an example, Rob and I have used three of them already.
Это подводит нас почти к концу сегодняшней программы.
It’s incredible: we have! Catherine you said looking into and made up of.
Но прежде чем мы продолжим, вот главный совет по изучению словарного запаса: попробуйте учить фразовые глаголы и их латинские партнеры в парах. Таким образом, у вас будет правильный глагол для нужной ситуации. Итак, у нас почти закончилось время, но, Кэтрин, не могли бы вы очень быстро напомнить нам о некоторых глаголах, состоящих из нескольких слов, которые мы сегодня слышали?
Yep, and Rob you said find out about. And some people call this type of multi-word verb a phrasal verb.
Несомненно. Нам пришлось посмотреть, помириться, узнать, встретиться, отказаться и помириться.
They do. And in this programme, we’ll look at lots of multi-word verbs…
Спасибо. Очень полезно. Подробнее об этом можно узнать на сайте BBC Learning English dot com. Присоединяйтесь к нам снова, чтобы узнать больше о 6-минутном словарном запасе.
… we’ll explain what they mean …
There’ll be a quiz …
Сессионный словарь
Латинский глагол - фразовый глагол
And we’ll leave you with a top tip for learning vocabulary.
рандеву – встретиться с
So, let’s get started by listening to Andre – a student from France who is studying in London.
оставить - отказаться от
придумать (рассказ/предлог) - придумать (рассказ/предлог)
Yep, and he’s talking about his weekend. And here are two questions for you while you listen. First, did Andre meet up with his friends?
And second, Andre’s English is pretty good, but it sounds a bit unnatural. Why is that? Here’s Andre.
I wanted to rendezvous with friends at the shopping centre, but I couldn’t find them. In the end, I abandoned the day. They said they couldn’t find me, but I think they just invented a story!
Thank you, Andre. And we asked you if Andre managed to meet his friends.
And sadly he didn’t. He said he abandoned the day. Well done if you got that at home. But why did Andre’s English sound unnatural?
Well, we could understand him OK, but some of the words he used were a little bit too formal for everyday natural spoken English.
Yes, thats right. When we’re speaking, some words, especially verbs that originally come from Latin – make us sound much too formal. Andre used quite a few of these – for example he said abandon the day.
Yeah - abandon the day. Well, to sound more natural, Andre could use a multi-word verb instead, and say he gave up on the day. Now, give up on something has a very similar meaning to abandon in Andre’s sentence – they both mean stop doing something, because you’re not succeeding. And Andre stopped hoping he would find his friends. Poor Andre.
So, give up on is a phrasal verb. In English, these are made up of verbs and prepositions.
Yep, so, we’ve got the verb give and the prepositions up and on. And Andre needs to use more of these phrasal verbs when he’s speaking.
So, are we saying that these Latinate verbs are wrong? Or not as good as the multi-word verbs? Can we forget about learning Latinate verbs then?
Well, that would be good, Rob. But, actually no, you do need to learn them and they’re not wrong: it’s just a question of context. You’ll see a lot more of the Latinate verbs in written English and in formal English, so yep, you do need to learn both types, and use the right one in the right situation. So, for example, Andre said he said he planned to rendezvous with friends. Now, if he changes the Latin rendezvous to meet up with, the meaning doesn’t really change, it just makes his speaking sound more natural.
OK, well, let’s listen to one more example.
I think they just invented a story!
This would sound better as I think they just made up a story. When you make something up, you say something that isn’t true.
And now, let’s listen to Andre again, this time with the multi-word verbs…
I wanted to meet up with friends at the shopping centre, but I couldn’t find them. In the end, I gave up on the day. They said they couldn’t find me, but I think they just made up a story!
Well done Andre. That’s a lot better.
6 Minute Vocabulary from BBC Learning English.
And now it’s quiz time! What goes in this gap? I’m going to ______ my family next weekend. Is it a) meet on with b) meet up to or c) meet up with?
The verb is c) meet up with. Number 2. My brother isn’t very reliable. He’s always a) making on excuses b) making up excuses or c) inventing up excuses.
He’s always… b) making up excuses. And number 3. What multi-word verb has a similar meaning to the verb abandon?
And the answer is: give up on. Well done if you got those right at home.
That brings us almost to the end of today’s programme.
But before we go, here’s today’s top tip for learning vocabulary: try to learn phrasal verbs and their Latin-based partners in pairs. That way, you’ll have the right verb for the right situation. So, we’re almost out of time, but Catherine very quickly can you remind us of some of these multi-word verbs we’ve heard today?
Most certainly. We had look into, made up of, find out about, meet up with, give up on and made up.
Thanks. Very useful. There’s more about this at BBC learning English dot com. Join us again for more 6 Minute Vocabulary.
Session Vocabulary
Latin-based verb - phrasal verb
rendezvous - meet up with
abandon - give up on
invent (a story/an excuse) - make up (a story/an excuse)
BBC 6 Minute English - Irregular verbs
BBC 6 Minute English - Weather words
BBC 6 Minute English - Eponyms as nouns and verbs
BBC 6 Minute English - Male and female job words
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